Flute 360 | Episode 171: “An Interview with Austin Pancner!” (57:18)

In today’s episode, Heidi and Austin Pancner have a chat about health and well-being. Coach Austin is an educator, trombonist, and health coach. He is currently a doctoral student at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana where is an active performer and teacher. In our discussion, he talks about mental health, being your number one advocate for your well-being, and gives you a fun exercise that you can implement, today! Please check out his website, and contact Austin if you have any pain associated with playing your instrument! Enjoy the conversation!
E171 – Resources Mentioned:
Flute 360’s Sponsors:
- Bronze: Texas Tech University’s School of Music
- Sustaining: 2T Flute Academy
- Sustaining: Music Strong
- Sustaining: Enhance Life with Music Podcast with Mindy Peterson
- Sustaining: Musician’s Maintenance
- Sustaining: CD Wiggins Music: Music for the 21st Century!
Join Us Through These International Events!
- The Ultimate Music Business Summit – January 2022 : Want to attend a virtual summit to learn about music business in-depth? Then visit UMBS’ website, submit your information, and we will see you January 6-8, 2022! Enjoy over 30 presenters who are experts within the field to give you actionable steps to enhance your music business for 2022 and beyond!
- Scarborough Philharmonic Orchestra’s February 2022 Festival: Want to be a featured flutist at this international festival? Then follow this link and submit your video proposal, today! The deadline is 11/01/2021!
- Tampere Flute Festival – April 2022: The 2022 international flute festival’s dates will be announced soon! Please check back for the latest! Thanks!
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