Flute 360 | Episode 24: “A Discussion with Dr. Patricia Surman” (33:00)

In today’s episode, Heidi talks with Dr. Surman about the job application process. This interview is a continuation from Episode 23’s discussion with Patricia. Check-out this episode to hear topics concerning recordings, letters of recommendations, and much more!
Episode 24 – Main Points:
- Patricia Surman grew up in Southern California (1:33).
- Be ready for anything! (3:08)
- Further discussion on your flute recordings that you submit. (3:42)
- Submit recordings that show your strengths. (4:33)
- Numerous people write the job announcement. (8:34)
- Job postings can change between the application deadlines to the interview date. (10:52)
- Thoughts on rejection. (11:53)
- What is a trumpeter listening for in the flutist’s performance? (14:21)
- Who will be on the search committee? Let’s connect with those ears. (16:22)
- Letters of Recommendation (18:35)
- Send the job link. (25:12)
- Send a thank you card. (29:00)
- We are developing relationships with other people – we want to make the world better. (29:40)
- There is a place for everyone within this music community. (30:42)
Episode 24 – Resources Mentioned: