Flute 360 | Episode 184: “Let’s Talk Music Business with Sarah Whitney!”

In today’s episode, Sarah and Heidi talk about music business. Sarah goes in-depth on the following topics: imposter syndrome, noticing your unique skill sets, and lessening the need to compete with your peers! Sarah holds a wealth of knowledge being a musicpreneur and she shares it with you, today! Don’t miss out on this valuable episode that will help move the needle forward for you and your business! Enjoy!
E184 – Resources Mentioned:
- Follow Sarah via IG!
- The Productive Musician Facebook Group – Join Here!
- FB: Sarah Whitney’s Profile
- Beyond The Notes
- FREE GUIDE: 4 Steps to Break Through Imposter Syndrome!
- Sarah’s Website
- Schedule a call with Sarah!
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- Fons – Payments and Scheduling on Autopilot! Thank you, Eric Branner, for your support!
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