Episode 169

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Flute 360 | Episode 169: “An Interview with Dr. Spencer Hartman!” (1:04:56)
Dr. Heidi Kay Begay, Heidi Kay Begay, Heidi Begay, flute, flutes, podcast, podcast news, podcast host, update, podcast update, news, engagement, podcast episode, Dr. Lea Pearson, Lea Pearson, Music Minus Pain, body mapping, Alexander Technique, Body Mapping for Flutists, author, educator, flute educator, movement, health, whole being, Dr. Amy Likar, Amy Likar, Austin Pancner, IU, TTU, Dr. Spencer Hartman, Spencer Hartman, trombone, trombonist

Today’s episode highlights a conversation that Heidi had with Dr. Spencer Hartman. Dr. Hartman is a flutist, educator, and is a body mapping expert. He recently received his body mapping certification, and he pours out tremendous expertise in this episode. Spencer talks about body mapping, body misconceptions, and he even offers you some exercises that you can implement within your music studio, today! Enjoy!

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Episode 169
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