Episode 152

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Flute 360 | E152: “Podcasting: An Entrepreneurial Opportunity for the Modern-Day Musician,” Part 1
flute, flutes, flute podcast, podcast, flutist, flutists, musicians who podcast, podcasting musician, music, musician, musicpreneur, entrepreneur, music studio, flute studio, flute teacher, flute student, flute professor, flute teacher, piccolo, music technology, remote lessons

In today’s episode, Heidi talks about the logistics and benefits to podcasting. She walks you through why someone would start a podcast, the equipment, the podcast’s theme, and the benefits to podcasting. 

Podcasters utilize this platform to share targeted information with their community. From here, authentic relationships form, and opportunities emerge organically. Since podcasting is a digital platform, it can connect you with other musicians at the regional, national, and international levels. 

Please contact Heidi if you have questions about how to start your own podcast, or your next digital creative project. Click here to schedule your next call with Heidi! Thanks! 

E152 – Resources Mentioned:

March’s Incentives for Flute 360 Listeners!

  • Elizabeth Talbert: Receive 20% off of the book, “Applied Practice Flute Technique” from now until 05/07/2021!
  • Flutistry Boston: Receive 20% off of the book, “Survival of the Flutist” from now until 03/31/21!
  • NR Media: Need a website built or re-designed? Check-out my three friends from the NR Media team! Nicole, Taylor, and Jolene are experts when it comes to the design and success of your website! E-mail Nicole and tell her that Heidi (from Flute 360) sent you! 

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Episode 152
Episode 11