Flute 360 | Episode 85: “An Interview with Viviana Cumplido Wilson” (1:00:41)

In today’s episode, Heidi talks with Viviana Cumplido Wilson who is a Powell Artist and the Principal Flutist of the Phoenix Symphony. Viviana and Heidi talk about the orchestral audition process, overcoming low points in musical careers, community service, and triathlons! Check out today’s episode to hear about these various topics and more!
Episode 85 – Main Points:
- 0:46 – Gold Sponsor: Verne Q. Powell Flutes, Boston
- 1:46 – Welcome!
- 2:23 – Heidi: Please share with the listeners who you are and your musical background.
- 2:37 – Viviana’s Answer
- 3:34 – New England Conservatory
- 3:40 – Viviana is a Powell Artist!
- 4:16 – Tucson Symphony Orchestra
- 4:24 – Steven Finley, flutist & educator
- 4:55 – The University of Arizona, Tucson
- 5:06 – Dr. Brian A. Luce, Professor of Flute at The UofA
- 5:38 – Question: You’ve had an extensive musical career. Before landing your jobs, was there a point in your profession that you wanted to give up? If so, what helped you to get through that season in your life?
- 5:47 – Viviana’s Answer
- 8:58 – Headspace!
- 10:10 – Book: The Inner Game of Tennis by W. Timothy Gallwey
- 10:53 – Question: Any advice for flutists who are pursuing a musical career as their profession?
- 11:09 – Viviana’s Answer
- 14:07 – Question: Since you are an orchestral flutist, any suggestions for audition preparation and, or the day of the audition?
- 14:16 – Viviana’s Answer
- 17:35 – Silver Sponsor: J&K Productions
- 18:20 – Question: You are an advocate for community service, in which you’ve donated your time to Hospice of the Valley. How did you come across this organization, and what’s the inspiration behind your volunteer work?
- 18:27 – Community Service: Hospice of the Valley
- 24:38 – Arizona State University
- 25:01 – Question: Please share how you got into running and training for triathlons. How has your passion for health influenced who you are as a musician?
- 25:18 – Dr. Lisa Garner Santa, Professor of Flute at TTU
- 25:33 – Viviana’s Answer
- 27:53 – Book: Brave New Athlete by Dr. Marshall & Lesley Paterson
- 28:04 – Reference to Episode 82
- 28:25 – Question: How has your passion for health influenced who you are as a musician?
- 28:35 – Viviana’s Answer
- 30:15 – Physical Exercise!
- 31:30 – Article: Prescribing Exercise for Depression
- 31:52 – Social Media Question from Rachael Chen: How can we keep classical music alive in our modern society?
- 32:05 – Viviana’s Answer
- 35:22 – Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra – Calendar of Events
- 35:55 – Social Media Question from Jolene Madewell: I personally would love to hear about any setbacks and failures in auditions, competitions, or as a teacher!
- 36:10 – Viviana’s Answer
- 39:30 – Social Media Question from Leah Stevens: I’d love to know her experiences in the music industry as a woman, specifically a woman of color.
- 39:42 – Viviana’s Answer
- 43:10 – Social Media Question from Laura Pillman: I’d love to know how she feels her workouts/running affect her playing, or anything running-related!
- 43:22 – Viviana’s Answer
- 45:09 – Dr. Susan Fain, flutist, educator & physical therapist (Episode 1)
- 46:03 – Social Media Question from Martin Godoy, Jr.: How did you come to choose your flute? Was it a result of your flute instructor lineage? What does being an artist mean to you?
- 46:42 – Viviana’s Answer
- 48:39 – Hilary Abigana, The Fourth Wall Ensemble’s Flutist (Episode 86)
- 49:01 – Nicole Chamberlain, flutist & composer (Episode 33)
- 49:27 – Viviana’s Answer Continued from 46:42!
- 58:49 – Bronze Sponsor: Aransas Pass High School Band – Winner of Flute 360’s Giveaway!
Episode 85 – Resources Mentioned:
- Flute 360 – Dr. Heidi Kay Begay’s Website
- Financially Support Flute 360!
- Viviana’s YouTube Channel
- Powell Flutes – Viviana’s Profile
- The Phoenix Symphony – Viviana’s Bio
- Classical Arizona PBS Interview with Viviana
- Hospice of the Valley
- Headspace App
- New England Conservatory
- The University of Arizona, Tucson
- Arizona State University
- Tucson Symphony Orchestra
- Book: The Inner Game of Tennis by W. Timothy Gallwey
- Book: Brave New Athlete by Dr. Marshall & Lesley Paterson
- Article: Prescribing Exercise for Depression
- Flute 360’s Episode 01
- Flute 360’s Episode 33
- Flute 360’s Episode 82
Episode 85 – Sponsors:
- Gold: Verne Q. Powell Flutes, Boston
- Silver: J&K Productions
- Bronze: Aransas Pass High School Band – Winner of Giveaway!