Flute 360 | Episode 84: “An Interview with Rachel Baker” (26:22)

In today’s episode, Heidi talks with Rachel Baker who is the flute technician through the Powell Flute’s Company! The ladies discuss flute maintenance and repair. Also, Rachel answers your social media questions! Check out last week’s episode (E83) for more information on a technician’s career.
Episode 84 – Main Points:
- 0:24 – Gold Sponsor: Verne Q. Powell Flutes, Boston
- 1:40 – Please listen to Episode 83 to hear another interview with Rachel Baker!
- 2:05 – Today’s Topic: Flute Maintenance & Repair
- 2:28 – Question: What is the best advice you can give us flutists in properly maintaining our instrument?
- 2:34 – Rachel’s Answer
- 3:37 – Question: Maintenance-wise, what is the biggest “no, no” that one can do (or not do) to our instrument?
- 3:46 – Rachel’s Answer
- 4:36 – Heidi comments.
- 4:53 – Question: For the internal swab and external cloth, what are your recommendations?
- 4:59 – Rachel’s Answer
- 5:42 – Question: For pad health, what do you recommend: the cigarette paper or the reusable pad dryer?
- 6:30 – Topic: Powder Pad Paper (avoid this!)
- 7:01 – Summer Flute Camp Experience
- 8:57 – Reference to Episode 83
- 9:04 – Question: How often should flutes have a COA completed?
- 9:08 – Rachel’s Answer
- 9:56 – Silver Sponsor: J&K Productions
- 10:48 – Question: All of the above advice applies to the “other flutes” as well, correct (i.e., piccolo, alto, bass, etc.)?
- 11:00 – Rachel’s Answer
- 11:10 – Topic: Piccolos
- 11:57 – Reference to Episode 83
- 12:08 – Question: Any general public announcement that you’d like to give flutists about repair and maintenance of their instrument?
- 12:15 – Rachel’s Answer
- 13:46 – Social Media Questions!
- 13:56 – Question from Nicole Chamberlain: What has been her most nerve-wracking repair, and how did she handle it?
- 14:13 – Rachel’s Answer
- 14:52 – Question from Hilary Abigana: I would love to hear about her most nightmarish repair job that turned out okay. Also, what flute has she repaired that sparked the most joy for her? Lastly, what is the most common element that needs fixing?
- 15:13 – Rachel’s Answers
- 17:52 – Question from Dr. Erich Tucker: Is there anything that we as flutists can do to prevent sticky pads in damp humid weather?
- 18:01 – Rachel’s Answer
- 19:26 – Question from Viviana Cumplido Wilson: What are some common bad habits we have that affect our flutes’ maintenance. Why do some pads seem to get stickier than others and why is it that when some pads get sticky they never want to unstick?
- 19:50 – Rachel’s Answer
- 20:49 – Reference to Episode 11
- 22:07 – PICKS!
- 23:40 – Topic: Baking and Cooking!
- 24:30 – Bronze Sponsor: Aransas Pass High School Band – Winner of Flute 360’s Giveaway!
- 25:36 – Support APHS’ Band!
Eric (Heidi’s Husband)
- Naptime
- Crab-Stuffed Flounder
Episode 84 – Resources Mentioned:
- Flute 360 – Dr. Heidi Kay Begay’s Website
- Financially Support Flute 360!
- Powell: Schedule a Repair with Rachel Baker!
- Powell’s Piccolos
- Video: The Making of a Powell Flute
- Flute 360’s Episode 11
- Flute 360’s Episode 83
Episode 84 – Sponsors:
- Gold: Verne Q. Powell Flutes, Boston
- Silver: J&K Productions
- Bronze: Aransas Pass High School Band – Winner of Giveaway!