Flute 360 | Episode 130: “How to Be a More Expressive Flutist with Dr. Lisa Garner Santa!” (1:32:00)

In today’s episode, Heidi talks with Dr. Lisa Garner Santa about how we can be more expressive through our music-making! Dr. Garner discusses her music background, her pedagogical approach to playing more expressively, and how the practice of yoga influences her insights. Heidi particularly loves this discussion, because cats and espresso are mentioned in conjunction with today’s topic! Enjoy!
Episode 130 – Resources Mentioned:
- The Podcasting Musician Class – Register Here!
- Lisa’s Website
- Episodes 109 – 112, Musical Insights from Heidi’s European Residency
- Episode 109
- Episode 110
- Episode 111
- Episode 112
- Dr. Heidi Kay Begay’s Website
Episode 130 – Sponsors:
- Gold Sponsor: The Podcasting Musician: Create Your Podcast on a Low Budget to Amplify Your Voice & Offerings!
- Silver Sponsor: The Peabody Institute at Johns Hopkins University
- Bronze Sponsor: J&K Media Productions