Flute 360 | Episode 116: “Military Flutists with Staff Sergeant Sonia Dell’Omo” (48:04)

In today’s episode, Heidi talks with Sonia Dell’Omo about her time being a Military Flutist in the U.S. Army Band. She goes into detail about the audition process, her experience with basic training, and advises those who are considering this career path. This series runs through the entire month of May 2020 and we hope that it is beneficial for you and, or your students.
Episode 116 – Main Points:
- 0:50 – Contact: J&K Productions & Flute 360 for consultation work!
- 2:14 – Welcome & Introduction!
- 3:44 – Texas Flute Society
- 4:32 – Larry Bailey, flutist
- 4:33 – Dr. Ellen Kaner, flutist (E54)
- 4:47 – Heidi: Please share with the listeners who you are and your musical background!
- 4:54 – Sonia’s Answer
- 7:16 – Professor Terri Sundberg, flutist
- 8:20 – The University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA
- 8:54 – Master’s of Music Degree Program at UNT
- 10:45 – “[To prepare for an audition], I had to be efficient and use every minute that was available to me.” – Sonia
- 11:48 – Teacher Appreciation
- 14:19 – Question: What inspired you to enroll as a flutist in the Pershing’s Own, U.S. Army Band?
- 14:33 – Sonia’s Answer
- 14:36 – Air Force, USA
- 16:08 – Piccolo!
- 17:00 – Washington D.C., USA
- 20:26 – Use your resources and the people in your life to get your questions answered!
- 21:26 – Basic Combat Training through the Army
- 22:01 – Sonia’s big takeaway about basic training.
- 23:31 – Question: Did you feel lonely during that season of your life?
- 23:38 – Sonia’s Answer
- 25:36 – Step outside of your comfort zone to get ahead in your career!
- 26:51 – Heidi asks a question – listen here!
- 27:03 – Sonia’s Answer
- 29:40 – Question: Putting aside the current quarantine, what does your schedule typically look like as an Army flutist?
- 29:46 – Sonia’s Answer
- 31:10 – The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
- 32:05 – The Blues, USA Army Jazz Band
- 33:37 – Arlington National Ceremony
- 33:57 – Question: For a musician who is considering this career path, what advice do you have for him or her?
- 34:09 – Sonia’s Answer
- 34:23 – To prepare for your next audition, record yourself, and be super honest about your playing.
- 36:22 – Jennifer M. Gunn (Piccolo) and David Cooper (French Horn)
- 38:40 – Question: Any last sentiments that you’d like to share with the listeners?
- 38:55 – Sonia’s Answer
- 42:27 – Series 24 Reference
- 42:38 – PICKS!
- 46:20 – Conclusion
- 48:00 – Bronze Sponsor: J&K Productions
- Book: Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng
- Book: Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng
- My Dog, Piper!
Episode 116 – Resources Mentioned: Dr. Heidi Kay Begay’s Website
Dr. Ellen Kaner’s Flute 360 Episode 54: Tips for Doublers!
Series 24: Episode 113, 114, 115, 116, and 117!
Episode 116 – Sponsors:
- Gold Level: J&K Productions
- Bronze Level: J&K Productions