Flute 360 | Episode 99: “Building Your C.V. Through International Experiences with Demarre McGill” (35:43)

In today’s episode, Heidi talks with Demarre McGill about how we as flutists can build our C.V. through international experiences. Demarre humbly shares his international career and the lessons he’s learned along the way. Topics vary from job announcements, finding your musical voice, and summer music festivals! Listen to the episode to hear all the advice from Demarre!
Episode 99 – Main Points:
- 0:30 – Gold Sponsor: J&K Productions
- 1:22 – Welcome & Introduction
- 2:38 – Spending time with family is essential.
- 3:00 – Today’s Topic
- 3:25 – Heidi: Please share with the listeners who you are and your musical background!
- 3:31 – Demarre’s Answer
- 3:39 – Julius Baker & Jeffrey Khaner, flutists
- 6:36 – Question: Why do you think it’s important for a flutist to consider adding international experiences to their résumé or curriculum vitae?
- 6:45 – Demarre’s Answer
- 11:25 – Question: How can a flutist go about adding international experiences to their C.V.? Where does one start?
- 11:34 – Demarre’s Answer
- 11:43 – Summer Music Festivals
- 14:35 – Matching Game
- 16:23 – “When you are focused on the things that make what we do as musicians, truly, truly special…luck has a way of finding you. It may not be exactly what you were looking for, but if your eyes are open, luck has a way of actually carving out a path for you!” – Demarre
- 18:23 – Question: I have seen many job announcements state “international experience required.” Why are search committees looking for this qualification?
- 18:35 – Demarre’s Answer
- 19:11 – Being curious is essential to have as a performer and as an educator!
- 20:55 – Dr. Susanna Self, flutist
- 22:21 – Invisalign
- 23:21 – Question: Throughout your international career, what are some lessons that you’ve learned along the way?
- 23:32 – Demarre’s Answer
- 24:27 – “Expressing yourself through your instrument is universal.” – Demarre
- 26:30 – Question: Any last pieces of advice that you’d like to offer?
- 26:42 – Demarre’s Answer
- 30:11 – PICKS!
- 33:35 – Conclusion
- 33:49 – Charleston Southern University – Solo Recital & Masterclass (1/26/2020)
- 34:30 – Bronze Sponsor: J&K Productions
Episode 99 – Resources Mentioned:
- Heidi Kay Begay’s Website
- Demarre’s Website
- Demarre’s YouTube Channel
- CCM’s Faculty Spotlight with Demarre
Episode 99 – Sponsors:
- Gold & Bronze Level: J&K Productions