Flute 360 | Episode 86: “An Interview with Hilary Abigana” (1:06:40)

In today’s episode, Heidi talks with Hilary Abigana who is a Powell Artist and the flutist of The Fourth Wall Ensemble. Hilary talks about the inspiration behind The Fourth Wall, the creative process, and some tips for traveling musicians! Listen until the end to hear the social media questions submitted for Hilary!
Episode 86 – Main Points:
- 0:24 – Gold Sponsor: Verne Q. Powell Flutes, Boston
- 1:25 – Welcome!
- 3:04 – National Flute Association, Salt Lake City (2019)
- 3:28 – Brett Abigana, composer
- 4:39 – Bonita Boyd, flutist & educator
- 5:20 – Reference to Episodes 71, 72, 73 & 74
- 5:35 – National Flute Association, Dallas (2020)
- 5:49 – Edinburgh International Festival (2020)
- 7:20 – Heidi: Please share with the listeners who you are and your musical background.
- 7:29 – Hilary’s Answer
- 16:07 – Question: While you were establishing your career was there a moment when you wanted to give up? If so, what did you do to get through this season in your life?
- 16:25 – Hilary’s Answer
- 23:36 – Question: Any advice for flutists who are pursuing a musical career as their profession?
- 23:42 –Hilary’s Answer
- 25:04 – Question: Was there ever a time that someone told you to quit the music business?
- 25:18 – Hilary’s Answer
- 30:10 – Question: Movement is a huge component of The Fourth Wall’s presentations.What have you learned about your body, and your flute playing through incorporating this movement into your performances?
- 30:21 – Hilary’s Answer
- 32:00 – Silver Sponsor: J&K Productions
- 32:53 – Conversation Continues
- 34:29 – Question: Since you are quite physically active in your Fourth Wall performances, how many times have you dropped your flute?
- 34:37 – Hilary’s Answer
- 40:35 – Question: Any tips for musicians who are traveling extensively?
- 40:45 – Hilary’s Answer
- 46:32 – Social Media Questions!
- 46:38 – Dr. Laura Pillman’s Social Media Question
- 46:45 – Hilary’s Answer
- 50:27 – Rachel Mellis’ Social Media Question #1
- 50:45 – Hilary’s Answer
- 52:41 – Rachel Mellis’ Social Media Question #2
- 53:00 – Hilary’s Answer
- 57:17 – PICKS!
- 1:04:51 – Bronze Sponsor: Aransas Pass High School Band – Winner of Flute 360’s Giveaway!
- Dresden Files by Jim Butcher
- Music: Comas Irish Music
- TimeFrame by Zara Lawler (Flute On Its Feet)
- Hermit Thrush Brewery
- Pianist Samson François’ Ravel Recordings
- Hommage to Raphael Fumet (1999) Album
- Dr. Heather Warren-Crow – Artist, Researcher & Educator of Interdisciplinary Arts
- Flute 360’s Episode 89!
Episode 86 – Resources Mentioned:
- Flute 360 – Dr. Heidi Kay Begay’s Website
- Financially Support Flute 360!
- Powell Flutes – Hilary’s Profile
- Hilary’s Website
- The Fourth Wall’s Website
- The Fourth Wall’s Twitter
- The Fourth Wall’s Facebook Page
- The Fourth Wall’s YouTube
Episode 86 – Sponsors:
- Gold: Verne Q. Powell Flutes, Boston
- Silver: J&K Productions
- Bronze: Aransas Pass High School Band – Winner of Giveaway!