Episode 242

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Flute 360 | Episode 242: “Five Years in the Making – Behind the Scenes!” (Part 1)
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Have you ever wanted behind the scenes information on the Flute 360 podcast? Well today is your lucky day, because we are doing just that in E242!

Eric Jay Begay (Heidi’s husband & Flute 360’s audio engineer) puts Heidi into the hot seat! He asks her questions such as: What’s something that your 360 listeners don’t know about you, and the show that you’d like to share? What were the biggest setbacks for you and for the podcast? 

We get very candid with you, and we wouldn’t want it any other way! Join Eric’s and Heidi’s conversation about the Flute 360 podcast to gain new insights on what it’s like to be a podcasting musician & musicpreneur!

Lastly, join the NEW membership program that is launching at the end of this month in April of 2023! This is an evergreen offering that you can join at any time! We will begin our first meetup at the end of April 2023! 

In this monthly subscription, you have access to the following: a mastermind or a masterclass, a book club, and pocket coaching! Now YOU can pick my brain at any time through the Voxer app (M-R from 9 AM to 5 PM / CT)! This program is a great way to network, build relationships, pick my brain, and excel in your flute playing and career!

See you soon!

E242 – Resources Mentioned:

Additional Resources:

Follow Heidi!

Episode 242
Episode 14