Flute 360 | Episode 206: “Your Voice Matters with Jean-Paul Wright!”

Join Jean-Paul Wright and Heidi Kay Begay as they discuss the ins and outs of podcasting. Is podcasting for you? Well, you tell us!
Are you craving new musical opportunities for your career? Do you love to collaborate with musicians at the regional, national, and international levels? Are you wanting to reduce your performance anxiety? Would you like to articulate clearly through your flute your musical ideas and intentions? If you said “yes” to any of these questions, consider starting a podcast because your voice matters!
Podcasting has not only lifted our careers to the international level, but it can do the same for you! We’d love to see you soar through this overly-saturated market! Listen to today’s episode to hear all the fun of being a podcasting musician! Thanks!
E206 – Resources Mentioned:
- The Podcasting Musician’s Course!
- Join our mastermind! June 10, 2022, at 10 AM CDT! Seats are limited! $25 a seat!
- Are lessons or coaching sessions with Heidi a good match? Let’s chat and see! Schedule a 15-minute call, to determine if we’d be a good fit moving forward!
- Want a free flute lesson? This offer is valid only for the Summer of 2022! Click here!
Flute 360’s Sponsors:
- Silver: Song Flute Headjoint Company
- Sustaining: The Greater Portland Flute Society
Additional Resources:
Follow Flute 360!