Flute 360 | E145: “An Interview with Becki Chesnes – The Owner of The Flute Shop!”

In today’s episode, Heidi talks with Becki Chesnes who is the owner of The Flute Shop! She has a rich history of being a flute repairwoman, flutist, teacher, and flute shop owner! Listen to the episode in full to hear Becki’s 2021 goals, and advice that she has for music entrepreneurs! If you supported Flute 360 this week (through social media blasts and retweets), I have given you a special shoutout at the end! Finally, if you have not signed-up for the Flute 360 newsletter, please do so in order to receive great updates and perks! Thank you for your continued support!
E145 – Resources Mentioned:
- Becki’s Website – Click Here!
- Follow Becki via Instagram!
- Follow The Flute Shop via Facebook Business Page!
- Checkout this neat article about Becki and her shop!
E145 – Sponsors:
January’s Incentives for Flute 360 Listeners!
- Flute Specialists: Receive 20% off of your sheet music needs! Use the Flute 360 code to receive your discount!
- The Carolyn Nussbaum Music Company: Receive 10% off of your cleaning supplies from now until 02/14/21! Use the Flute 360 code to receive your discount!
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- Heidi’s Website