Flute 360 | Episode 14: “A Q&A with Dr. Dennette Derby McDermott” (18:20)

In today’s episode, Dr. McDermott and Heidi answer questions submitted by Flute 360’s listeners. Topics vary and include: graduate studies in music, performance anxiety, and flute pedagogy for beginners. Please feel free to submit your own question to the show, and Flute 360 will answer in a future episode!
Episode 14 – Main Points:
- Question 1: Preparation for graduate school (1:42)
- To take a break or not to take a break – that is the question!
- Question 2: Performance anxiety and some tips to overcome (5:10)
- Yoga
- Exercise
- It’s a privilege to perform the composer’s piece.
- Play at senior centers or church to build confidence.
- Ervin Monroe’s advice – Dr. McDermott’s past teacher.
- Question 3: Flute pedagogy for beginners (12:28)
- “Body Mapping for Flutists” by Dr. Lea Pearson
- Instill a love for music and keep it fun!
Episode 14 – Resources Mentioned:
- “A Soprano on Her Head” by Eloise Ristad
- “Body Mapping for Flutists” by Dr. Lea Pearson
- McDermott’s Biography
- Northwestern State University of Louisiana’s Music Department
- Heidi Kay Begay’s Website
- Heidi Kay Begay’s E-mail: [email protected]
- J&K Productions’ Website
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