Flute 360 | Episode 119: “What to Expect from a KinderFlute Teacher Training Class, Part 2” (36:50)

In today’s episode, Heidi continues to talk with Kathy Blocki and Molly Shortridge about the KinderFlute Teacher Training Class offered this Summer 2020! The ladies discuss the layout of the class, materials, and certification requirements in order to graduate! Please note, that this discussion is a continuation of last week’s Episode 118. Please listen to E118 to obtain all the information. Enjoy!
Episode 119 – Main Points:
- 0:30 – Gold Sponsor: Blocki Flute Method
- 1:12 – Reference to Episode 118
- 1:28 – Question: There are a lot of flutists and flute teachers out there. Who should register for this certification class?
- 1:43 – Molly’s Answer
- 2:27 – Kathy’s Answer
- 2:55 – KinderFlute Teacher Training Prerequisites
- 4:30 – Kathy continues with her answer.
- 4:44 – Question: Let’s please talk about the organization and layout of the KinderFlute Teacher Training Class. What can a new attendee expect?
- 4:59 – Kathy’s Answer
- 5:16 – Book 1: Five-Note Patterns, Rhythm Sections, and more!
- 5:40 – Book 1-3!
- 7:20 – Question: Molly, what can a new attendee expect from the class?
- 7:25 – Molly’s Answer
- 8:45 – Heidi Comments
- 10:20 – Kathy comments about teaching the younger flute students.
- 10:38 – Kathy Blocki’s Pneumo Pro! (Flute 360’s Episode 43!)
- 10:55 – Molly comments about the Pneumo Pro!
- 12:08 – National Flute Association
- 12:47 – Molly Comments
- 13:17 – Heidi Comments
- 14:00 – Kathy: For students, perhaps complete the KinderFlute Teacher Training Class before you start student teaching!
- 14:32 – Question: If I am registered to attend the class, what materials should I bring?
- 14:51 – On-Site Materials: Win-D-Fender, straws, cups, and more!
- 15:56 – Please read through the KinderFlute Teacher Training Manual.
- 18:31 – Question: Molly, will you be teaching this summer?
- 18:50 – Question: Molly, how many times have you taught with Kathy in the past?
- 20:45 – Question: I saw on the website a list of Certified KinderFlute Teachers – what a great resource! There seems to be a distinction between teaching Blocki Flute and KinderFlute – can you please explain the difference?
- 21:10 – Kathy’s Answer
- 21:48 – Flute World
- 22:10 – Carolyn Nussbaum Music Store
- 22:40 – Question: Kathy, anything else that you would like to add?
- 22:55 – Please note the dates, which are July 22, August 5-8, and September 2, 2020!
- 25:13 – Question: Molly, anything else that you would like to add?
- 25:18 – Molly’s Answer
- 25:43 – Molly states that this information can help your older students, too!
- 27:21 – Blocki Duet Flute Book
- 27:41 – Question: Any last sentiments that you’d like to share?
- 27:48 – Kathy’s Answer
- 28:06 – Molly’s Answer
- 28:42 – Molly created a musical game based on a Verdi melody, “Duck-Duck-Goose,” and cups!
- 29:25 – PICKS!
- 34:44 – Conclusion
- 35:15 – Bronze Sponsor: Contact Flute 360 and J&K Media Productions!
- Movie: Hidden Figures (2016)
- Gardening!
- Book: “The Art of Crossing Cultures” by Craig Storti
- Plant-Based VEGA Essentials Shake
- Protein Powder for Vegans!
- 90-Day Vegan Challenge
Episode 119 – Resources Mentioned:
- Molly’s Bio
- Kathy’s Bio
- Registration Link for the KinderFlute Teacher Training Class!
- Blocki Flute Method Book 1
- Blocki Flute’s Website
- Purchase Win-D-Fender – here!
- Flute 360’s Episode 40: Mark Dooly, Win-D-Fender
- Flute 360 Podcast Episode 43: “Kathy Blocki, Inventor of the Pneumo Pro!”
- Flute 360 Podcast Episode 90: “An Interview with Kathy Blocki, Creator of KinderFlute!”
- Flute 360 Podcast Episode 91: “Flute & Movement – A Group Discussion!”
- Flute 360’s Episode 118: What to Expect from a KinderFlute Teacher Training Class, Part 1!
- Podcast: The Daily Gardener
- Carolyn Nussbaum Music Company – Pneumo Pro
- Dr. Heidi Kay Begay’s Website
Episode 119 – Sponsors:
- Gold Level: Blocki Flute Method
- Bronze Level: J&K Productions