Flute 360 | Episode 105: “An Interview with Carlos Cano Escribá” (17:36)

In today’s episode, Heidi talks with Carlos Cano Escribá who is a flutist, composer, arranger, and music producer. He is the flute professor at the Real Conservatorio de Musica de Madrid and he is a Powell artist! Lastly, he is one of the guest artists at the Tampere Flute Fest on April 25-26, 2020 in Finland!
Episode 105 – Main Points:
- 0:40 – Gold Sponsor: Carolyn Nussbaum Music Company
- 1:52 – Welcome & Introduction!
- 3:03 – Question: Please share, with the listeners, who you are and your musical background!
- 3:13 – Carlos’ Answer
- 4:38 – Dutilleux’s Sonatine for Flute and Piano
- 4:56 – Latin Music
- 5:02 – Composers: Bach, Stravinsky, & Messiaen
- 5:42 – Question: I noticed that you play a granadilla wooden flute by Powell. Did you choose the wooden flute to capture your native Cuban music better through this particular tone color?
- 5:54 – Carlos’ Answer
- 6:45 – Powell’s Artists
- 6:55 – Flute 360’s Powell Series 18 mentioned here! (E83-86)
- 7:23 – Question: You have contributed a lot to the flute community, and not just as a performing artist, but also as an arranger, composer, and music producer. What lessons have you learned through these different roles, and how has it enhanced your flute playing?
- 7:43 – Carlos’ Answer
- 8:57 – Question: Since 2012, you have been collaborating with Aldo Méndez, who is a poet, and Hernán Milla, who is a pianist, in the group Veleta Roja.
- 9:10 – Carlos’ Answer
- 10:50 – Poems in Spanish by Aldo Méndez
- 11:24 – Question: Each language has a natural flow of its own. Working specifically with a Cuban poet, how does the language affect the music that you produce together?
- 11:57 – “Our music is eclectic. We like to work with jazz musicians…and use music from different cultures. We bring our childhood memories.” – Carlos
- 14:06 – Question: You will be one of the guest artists at the Tampere Flute Fest at the end of April 2020. Do you have any advice for the students who will be competing, and/or performing at the festival?
- 14:23 – Carlos’ Answer
- 15:31 – Question: Any last sentiments that you’d like to share with the listeners?
- 15:38 – Carlos’ Answer
- 16:24 – Bronze Sponsor: J&K Productions
Episode 105 – Resources Mentioned:
- Heidi Kay Begay’s Website
- Powell: Carlos’ Bio
- DVD: Sonidos Que Cuentan
- YouTube: La Fleur de Cayenne – Paquito D’Rivera
- Real Conservatorio de Musica de Madrid
- The Powell Wooden Flute
- Powell Flutes
- Tampere Flute Festival’s Website
- Tampere Flute Festival’s Guest Artists
- Tampere Flute Festival’s Masterclass Application – Due 03/01/2020
- Tampere Flute Festival’s Young Artist Competition – Due 03/15/2020
Episode 105 – Sponsors:
- Gold Level: Carolyn Nussbaum Music Company
- Silver & Bronze Level: J&K Productions