Episode 228

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Flute 360 | Episode 228: “How you can make your own musical opportunities with Serena Huang!” (Part 2)
Creative Baggage, Flute 360 and Creative Baggage, For the Lost Creative, Serena Huang, music podcast, music podcaster, flute podcast, flute, flutist, classical music podcast, music business, music business event, music business student, music business coach, music business teacher, music biz, UMBS, Garrett Hope, Arthur Breur, Serena Huang, Heidi Begay

Serena Huang is a dear friend, colleague, flutist, educator, and podcaster! This is a two-part series where Serena talks about her winding music career and the creative projects that she’s undertaken! She talks about how she launched her podcast and database! Not only that, but she describes how she’s obtained corporate sponsorships for her creative endeavors, too!

Listen to the episode, follow her Creative Baggage podcast, and check out her database for creatives just like YOU! There are job listings, auditions, internships, and much more through the database “For the Lost Creative!” Use this as a resource for your musical journey!

Lastly, purchase your UMBS ticket below so your music business can LEAP in 2023 and beyond! Thank you!

E228 – Resources Mentioned:

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Episode 228
Episode 44