Flute 360 | Episode 77: “The Parallels Between Podcasting and Music-Making” (14:49)

In today’s episode, Heidi talks about the parallels between podcasting and music-making. These two mediums have more in common than what meets the eye! Heidi discusses how the lessons learned, as a podcaster, have strengthened her music-making skills. Today’s topics include the art of recording, the communication process, and finding your voice. Follow Heidi on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Tumblr for current Flute 360 updates!
Episode 77 – Main Points:
- 0:25 – Gold Sponsor: J&K Productions
- 1:20 – Welcome and thank you for your support!
- 1:34 – Follow Flute 360: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Tumblr!
- 2:00 – Listen to Episode 75 & Episode 76!
- 2:28 – A quick Flute 360 backstory.
- 3:18 – Today’s topics include: the art of recording, communication skills, and finding your unique voice.
- 3:33 – Topic 1: The Art of Recording
- 3:45 – Reference to Episode 19: Recordings
- 6:32 – Topic 2: Communication Skills
- 6:57 – Make sure to listen!
- 8:09 – Own your ideas!
- 9:56 – Consider joining a public speaking group through Meetups.
- 10:46 – Other communicative skills: inflection, improvisation, and more!
- 11:16 – Topic 3: Find your unique voice!
- 11:29 – “As a podcaster, I’ve learned that if I am vulnerable and share who I am – and I let you into my world – I notice that my words flow better. My story gets told better. Guess what? The same thing goes for being a flutist!” – Heidi
- 12:09 – Be vulnerable, candid, open, and honest with your audience.
- 12:39 – Find your unique voice! How do you want to share your story? How do you want to inflect a certain note in the musical phrase?
- 12:56 – Meetups
- 13:02 – Find a microphone, record a topic to discuss, listen, journal your growth, and see how this transfers into your flute playing.
- Summary: By strengthening your communicative skills through dialogue, you might be impressed with how your music communicative skills are also strengthened!
- 13:36 – Bronze Sponsor: J&K Productions
Episode 77 – Resources Mentioned:
- Flute 360 – Dr. Heidi Kay Begay’s Website
- Meetups – Public Speaking
- Computer Microphone
- Etsy – Journals
Episode 77 – Sponsors:
- Gold/Bronze: J&K Productions’ Website
- Silver: Contact Heidi for details!