Flute 360 | Episode 96: “Understanding Self-Control with Dr. Jessica Alquist” (42:38)

In today’s episode, Heidi talks with Dr. Jessica Alquist about self-control. Jessica not only is a psychology professor at Texas Tech University, but she is also a flutist! Listen to today’s episode to benefit from the information, and apply it to your practice routine and any musical goal you have set for the New Year!
Episode 96 – Main Points:
- 0:26 – Gold Sponsor: The Resilient Self Podcast with Chris Neal, MA & LPC
- 1:19 – Welcome & Introduction!
- 1:27 – Dr. Jessica Alquist’s personal and professional background.
- 4:14 – Jessica shares her research and her studies.
- 4:50 – Working towards our long-term goals!
- 5:22 – Question: What is the definition of self-control?
- 5:30 – Jessica’s Answer
- 6:08 – “Being busy is not necessarily being productive.” – Heidi
- 7:31 – “Priorities are critical because we only have so much time and energy. To get where we are going, we have to decide what’s really important.” – Jessica
- 7:46 – Question: How can we as musicians create healthy habits when it comes to practicing?
- 7:57 – Jessica’s Answer
- 8:04 – Jessica shares research – listen here!
- 8:35 – How to create healthy habits when it comes to practicing!
- 9:17 – Environmental Cues
- 9:39 – Research on implementation intention.
- 10:59 – Heidi’s environmental changes from the USA to Greece.
- 11:25 – Expat Group: InterNations
- 13:30 – Topic: Self-Control
- 13:47 – Jessica shares research on this topic.
- 14:32 – Cookies and Radishes
- 15:51 – Heidi asks a follow-up question.
- 18:18 – Complete big tasks in the morning.
- 18:49 – Jessica shares more research about habits – listen here!
- 19:20 – Exam Week
- 20:48 – Question: How can we exert self-control when it comes to the use of our phones during practicing?
- 20:57 – Jessica’s Answer
- 24:15 – “Practicing is a lot like writing, and they are both tasks that could be drudgery if you are being interrupted constantly. But! They can be really enjoyable, freeing, and challenging if you are able to focus!” – Jessica
- 25:25 – Question: How do you focus on your writing being a new-time mother?
- 25:30 – Jessica’s Answer
- 26:35 – Follow-up question.
- 27:05 – Question: What tools can we utilize to help prioritize our day?
- 27:18 – Jessica’s Answer
- 27:27 – Topic: Multi-Tasking
- 27:55 – The Pomodoro Technique
- 28:37 – Jessica offers another tool that could help you with prioritization.
- 29:30 – “Treat yourself like a lazy, but a talented employee.” Jessica shares her professor’s advice
- 29:47 – Make your environment as pleasing as possible in order to complete your task.
- 30:53 – Question: If one can see the benefits of self-control, are we more likely to exert it?
- 31:17 – Jessica’s Answer
- 31:23 – Topic: Motivation
- 32:06 – Reward yourself through sticker charts for even the small victories!
- 33:44 – Reward yourself for showing up to the orchestral audition!
- 34:40 – Dark Chocolate & Flowers
- 36:08 – Question: Do you have any last thoughts for today’s discussion?
- 36:28 – Jessica’s Answer
- 37:05 – PICKS!
- 40:13 – Contact Dr. Jessica Alquist with any questions you may have!
- 45:00 – Bronze Sponsor: J&K Productions
Episode 96 – Resources Mentioned:
- Baumeister, R.F., Bratslavsky, E., Muraven, M., & Tice, D.M. (1998). “Ego depletion: Is the active self a limited resource?” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74(5), 1252-1265.
- Ent, M.R., Baumesiter, R.F., & Tice, D.M. (2015). “Trait self-control and the avoidance of temptation.” Personality and Individual Differences, 74, 12-15.
- Gillebaart, M. & de Riddler, D.T.D. (2015). “Effortless Self-Control: A novel perspective on response conflict strategies in trait self-control.” Social Personality Psychology Compass, 9, 88-99.
- Hofmann, W., Baumesiter, R.F., Forster, G., & Vohs, K. (2012). “Everyday Temptations: An experience sampling study of desire, conflict, and self-control.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102, 1318-1335.
- Inzlicht, M., & Friese, M. (2019). “The past, present, and future of ego depletion.” Social Psychology, 50, 370-378.
- Neal, D.T., Wood, W. & Drolet, A. (2013). “How do people adhere to goals when willpower is low? The profits (and pitfalls) of strong habits.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104(6), 959-975.
- Nordgren, L.F., van Harreveld, F., & van der Pligt, J. (2009). “The restraint bias: How the illusion for self-restraint promotes impulsive behavior.” Psychological Science, 20, 1523-1528.
Episode 96 – Sponsors:
- Gold Level: The Resilient Self Podcast with Chris Neal, MA & LPC
- Silver & Bronze Level: J&K Productions