Episode 91

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Flute 360 | Episode 91: “Flute and Movement, A Group Discussion” (1:08:59)
flute, flutes, flutist, interview, panel, flute and movement, movement, KinderFlute, Blocki Flute Method, Kathy Blocki, Zara Lawler, Emma Shubin, Weronika Balewski, Dalcroze method, Dalcroze

In today’s episode, Heidi talks with Kathy Blocki, Emma Shubin, Weronika Balewski, and Zara Lawler about incorporating the body within our musical performances! Integrating the whole body can help you play your music more accurately, freely and expressively! Check out these ladies’ websites for up-to-date information about their performances and classes!

Episode 91 – Main Points:





Episode 91 – Resources Mentioned:

Episode 91 – Sponsors:

Episode 91
Episode 51