Flute 360 | Episode 6: “Organization Within Your Flute Studio” (30:58)

In this episode, Heidi discusses how to stay organized within your flute studio. She encourages music teachers to stay organized because it is one of the biggest keys to your private studio’s success.
Episode 6 – Main Points:
- Communication (1:17)
- Your schedule (4:51)
- The commute (8:31)
- David Cutler’s book (12:10)
- Accessible schedule (13:08)
- Invoices with MacFreelance (13:47)
- Invoices with FreshBooks (16:47)
- Communicating via e-mail (17:41)
- Your website (19:36)
- Organize the studio space (22:07)
- Organizing your personal life (28:09)
- Summary (28:52)
Episode 6 – Resources Mentioned:
- Cutler, David. The Savvy Music Teacher: Blueprint for Maximizing Income & Impact. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost), EBSCOhost (accessed January 20, 2018).
- Studio Helper
- SignUpGenius
- MacFreelance
- FreshBooks – Cloud Accounting
- Word Press
- Artistry of Music
- Microsoft Excel
- Breathing Bag
- Breath Builder
Heidi Kay Begay’s Information: