Flute 360 | Episode 58: “Studio Highlights with Dr. Julee Kim Walker” (24:56)

In today’s episode, Heidi talks with the flute students at Texas A&M, Commerce, TX under the direction of Dr. Julee Kim Walker. The students discuss their accomplishments, setbacks, summer plans, and teacher highlights. Check out today’s episode to hear from these inspiring students!
Episode 58 – Main Points:
- 0:23 – Gold Sponsor: Interactive Flute Retreat, South Haven, MI
- 1:10 – Welcome!
- 1:16 – Department of Music at Texas A&M, Commerce, TX
- 1:38 – Episode’s Topics: Review of the Academic Year & Studio Highlights
- 1:42 – Question: Is there an achievement that you would like to share?
- 1:48 – Leslie: Embouchure changes!
- 2:26 – Dr. Kim Walker: Let’s talk about your flute purchases.
- 2:37 – Karen: I bought a new Burkart Resona flute!
- 3:04 – Question: Did you go to a flute shop or did you have flutes shipped to you?
- 3:23 – Question: Do you have a suggestion for someone who is going through the flute trial process?
- 3:48 – Karen: The flute I chose was the one I was most comfortable with.
- 4:33 – Question: What are some of the setbacks that you’ve had this year?
- 5:05 – David: Working through the changes of being a transfer student.
- 5:39 – Relearning how to ride a bicycle.
- 6:25 – Natalie: Anxiety & Stress
- 6:54 – Question: What tools do you use to help lower your stress and anxiety?
- 7:04 – Natalie: Breathing and being aware of the present.
- 9:27 – Angelica: Taking my time to learn a piece.
- 10:29 – Keep showing-up!
- 10:55 – Question: Please share your summer plans or your goals for the next academic year?
- 11:15 – Christian: Texas Summer Flute Symposium, Commerce, TX
- 11:48 – Dr. Walker comments about Dr. Conor Nelson.
- 12:14 – Texas Flute Society’s Flute Festival, Denton, TX
- 12:19 – Question: What repertoire do you plan on playing for Dr. Nelson?
- 12:22 – Repertoire: Widor’s Suite for Flute and Piano, Mvts. 2 and 3
- 12:46 – Silver Sponsor: J&K Productions
- 13:40 – Question: Any other summer plans?
- 13:48 – Rest and Relaxation
- 14:00 – Corina: Blue Knights & Marketing and Merchandising Team
- 14:26 – Topics: Social Media & Selling Merchandise
- 15:00 – Karen: Long vacation through Florida, Georgia, and other east coast states.
- 15:40 – Dr. Walker comments about her family.
- 15:55 – David: Summer plans will consist of vacation, summer flute lessons with Dr. Walker, and possibly starting my own podcast!
- 18:22 – Use your mentors as a soundboard through the creative process.
- To get ideas on starting your own podcast – check out Heidi’s 2018 document – here!
- 18:49 – Teacher Highlight: Any memory that you’d like to share of Dr. Walker?
- 19:22 – Leslie: Ever since I’ve arrived at this school, I am more confident in my flute playing.
- 20:08 – Topic: Confidence & Encouragement
- 20:39 – Alexis comments.
- 21:28 – Topic: Organization
- 22:17 – Angelica shares her favorite moments with Dr. Walker.
- 23:14 – Conclusion!
- 23:44 – Bronze Sponsor: J&K Productions
Episode 58 – Resources Mentioned:
- IG: Julee Kim Walker
- Department of Music at Texas A&M, Commerce, TX
- Dr. Conor Nelson’s Website
- Flute 360 – Dr. Heidi Kay Begay’s Website
- How to start your own podcast? Check out Heidi’s 2018 document!
Episode 58 – Sponsors:
- Gold: Interactive Flute Retreat, South Haven, MI
- Silver & Bronze: J&K Productions’ Website