Flute 360 | Episode 5: “Building Your Private Flute Studio” (27:06)

In this episode, Heidi discusses how to build a private flute studio. She talks about her personal experience with creating her own studio and gives helpful tips along the way. Among these suggestions, she emphasizes the power of networking, performing, and advertising to help build your music studio.
Episode 5 – Main Points:
- Recruit (0:52)
- Heidi’s experience (2:17)
- Network (3:44)
- Contact band directors (6:02)
- Nonprofit music organizations (8:11)
- Perform (9:48)
- Summer flute camp (13:52)
- Create a website (14:46)
- Incentives (16:19)
- Word of mouth (20:13)
- Waitlist (21:22)
- Summary (22:30)
- Final thoughts (23:22)
- Personal journey (24:29)
Episode 5 – Resources Mentioned:
- Cutler, David. The Savvy Music Teacher: Blueprint for Maximizing Income & Impact. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost), EBSCOhost (accessed January 20, 2018).
- Texas Flute Society
- The National Flute Association
- WordPress
Heidi Kay Begay’s Information: