Flute 360 | Episode 1: “Prevention of Performance-Related Injuries Through Exercise: An Interview with Dr. Susan Fain!” (29:42)

In this episode, Heidi talks with Dr. Susan Fain who holds multiple degrees: PT, DPT, OCS, and DMA. They discuss how to prevent music-related injuries through exercise.
Episode 1 – Main Points:
- Statistic on music-related injuries (1:07)
- Pianists, Violinists, and Flutists (2:33)
- Neck injuries (2:57)
- Flute position in the marching band (3:38)
- Concert and marching band positions (4:00)
- Stay in-shape, strong core, exercise routine (5:27)
- Strong shoulders (6:23)
- Strength training (6:43)
- Chunking when practicing (7:35)
- Practice in chunks (8:49)
- Stretch in opposite direction (9:01)
- Step away from electronics (10:05)
- Take regular breaks (10:54)
- Practice smart (11:12)
- Pomodoro Timer App (11:40)
- Numbness or tingling – visit doctor (13:20)
- Carpal tunnel braces (13:40)
- Let the area rest (13:58)
- Neck issues (14:32)
- Strength training through exercise (15:21)
- Rotator cuff (17:23)
- Exercise 1: YTW (17:51)
- YTW disclaimer (18:04)
- No equipment needed (19:05)
- Push-ups in different ways (19:35)
- Exercise 2: UEER with band (20:06)
- Muscles work in pairs (21:03)
- Body awareness (21:49)
- Use a mirror (22:13)
- Shift your weight (22:50)
- Summary (25:17)
- Susan Fain’s contact information (26:04)
- Additional resources (26:33)
Episode 1 – Resources Mentioned:
- Pomodoro Timer App
- Alexander Technique
- The Biology of Musical Performance and Performance-Related Injury by Alan Watson
- Playing Less Hurt: An Injury Prevention Guide for Musicians by Janet Horvath
Dr. Susan Fain’s E-mail: [email protected]
Heidi Kay Begay’s Website: www.heidikaybegay.com
YTW pictures:

UEER picture:

Thank you so much for this very helpful podcast! Episode 1 was practical and full of great tips! I have had a private flute studio for 15 years and I love being able to continue my own education and implement new (or new to me????) concepts into my studio.
I’m so looking forward to future episodes!
Thank you for the feedback! I appreciate the support!